
Thursday, July 11, 2013

Of Hobbies and Childhood

I have never played with, or owned any Lego sets my entire childhood, and it is to this that i attribute my lack of creativity.

cos everyone knows that Lego is supposed to help nurture a child's creativity (i think)

for what happened next, i lay 100% of the blame on my friend who asked me to get him the Lord of the Rings The Tower of Orthanc™ Lego set.

my first thought was Lego?! aren't we too old for Lego?

but after visiting the Lego website, i was overwhelmed by all these toys that i wanted so badly when i was young.

so i went on a spree, and this was the result

other than magnets, we thought we could start collecting Lego of places we've been to.
and since we don't have a zillion dollars, we'll start with the cheapest 2.

Lego - Leaning Tower of Pisa & Big Ben

she likes Harry Potter, so we got a Harry Potter which was on discount anyway

Lego - Hogwarts
then we saw this "Hard to Find" Volkswagen Camper Van that we simply had to have!!

Lego - Volkswagen Camper Van

the van can open 1 lo!!!!

no la, we haven't built it yet. ripped it off the Lego website

and finally the culprit that caused this whole mess

Lego - Tower of Orthanc
just look at how huge this is, compared to Big Ben!

or how big it is compared to her!!

anyway, our mail are all delivered to the hostel office, and according to her, the office aunty shot us a look that said "study don't good good study, spend so much money buy so much crap"

to which i want to quote a friend's 口头禅, "LIH HUAN LOU"(WHY YOU CARE!)

in any case, there you have it..

the beginning of our Lego collection
and further proof that we'll never run out of ways to spend money

and a bit of our bedsheet + kristie's cath kidston bags


Anonymous said...

i oso want the volkswagon!!!!! :P


Joyce said...

the caravan thingy is so cute! can (ahem!) let your kids play next time.

Anonymous said...

Tsl, u wan i help u buy? :D

Haha Joyce, gotta wait 16+ years leh!

Anonymous said...

how much ar? is it very ex?
