
Monday, September 2, 2013


on the 1st day we went on this day tour to visit the Highlands and Loch Ness. i was really shocked when she doesnt even know what the Loch Ness monster is.

we had a really great guide for the trip, so we learnt a lot of the Scottish history, massacres, independence war and most importantly, William Wallace.

i absolutely loved the movie, Braveheart.

we also visited a few of the small villages, which was village-y.
think we've probably seen a bit too many of those around Bath, and Cotswolds tho.

there was this "rare breed farm" in 1 of the villages, and we paid £2 to go in.

just seeing animals up close is rare enough for us. and we took their word for it that these are indeed rare breeds.

seemed awfully unsafe though, cos we are pretty sure the cow or whatever that is would have no problem just bashing down that "fence"

then that's pretty much that for the day tour. kinda disappointed that i didnt get to see Nessie.

the next day almost become kinda like a 寻找周杰伦(looking for Jay Chou) trip, cos she found out that Jay shot 1 of his MVs in Edinburgh. so took screenshots of the video and we went around trying to find out where they were.

Edinburgh is really special, cos half the town is new, and half the town is old.

that is the old part. the first "skyscrapers" ever built cos they ran out of space within the city walls and since it was dangerous to stay outside the walls cos of English invading them and everything, they had to go upwards.

sounds like Singapore.

there was this wedding taking place in the biggest cathedral-like place in Edinburgh. it is officially not a cathedral cos Edinburgh doesn't have a bishop (or something like that)

more interestingly, anyone notice the men are wearing skirts as well?

weather was horrible though. it would rain for 5 mins, stop just long enough to tempt you outdoors, then rain again.

we got caught out a couple of times. once when we were on top of this hill (Edinburgh is built on 7 hills) trying to find this jay chou spot to take this photo

just to show u what i meant.

she didn't want to climb up cos it was wet. -.-"

good thing about rain, is that it has to stop 1 day. and it gives us a chance to see this!

this is the Scottish monument. they ran out of money after constructing the pillars. real story.

last scene from the MV we were able to find. actually he was inside this Nelson Monument which was right behind us, but we had to pay to go in, and we are too cheapskate for that.

here's the MV

so that's the Nelson monument on the right, and Edinburgh on the left

and this is just how the city is, with a giant Edinburgh castle overlooking the entire city. it's a very surreal feeling, like a part of the city is stuck in time, while the other part moves on with the time.

took the last photo on the morning we left.
Nelson Monument and the Scottish Monument can be seen in the distance

that's our Edinburgh trip.

as usual, for the rest of the Edinburgh photos, visit my flickr page, here!

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